
New F-15 ARF F-16 Fouga Magister Rafale F-104
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Philip Avonds

Philip Avonds Scale Jets

# Well prooven kits and delieverd with a photo-illustrated manual also in top quality.

# Easy to build and with a lot of really nice building solutions.

# As good as a trainer as for the World Jet Masters!

A custom  calculated thrust pipe specially designed for the Hawk 100R is also available for each aircraft. Call for price! 

We know how they fly... The old F15, the new F15 ARF and the F16 are all of course flown with Hawk 100R  engines and custom designed thrust tubes.

If you as a customer have any questions about the kits and the settings, we at Hawk Turbines and Philip Avonds always are there to help you.


Call us for a price of kit, engine and accesories.


Jet kit features

ARF kit all composite

The new NEW F-15C is an ARF kit with all composite components.  We have a sample and it realy flies like a dream!


Easy to build kits

Avonds also offer easy to build kits for the following five jets: Fouga Magister, old F-15C, F-16A, F-104G and Rafale A. These require a bit more work to complete than the ARF kit, but they also offer a greater sense of reward to the builder. They are all designed for Turbine power although the kits are still available for Ducted Fan power if required. Conversion kits from Ducted Fan to Turbine power are still available for each model except for the new F-15 ARF which is turbine power exclusively.

All these easy to build kits have a high level of prefabrication and are very easy to build/assemble, however they are not ARF's. The advantage of our deluxe kits over ARF's are lower cost, less weight and ease of repair. Average modelling skills and a fair amount of time in the workshop  is all you need to successfully build/assemble one of our easy to build kits.

A detailed photo-illustrated manual, included in each kit, will guide you step by step through the construction. Furthermore, a full size detailed CAD plan is supplied as an extra reference. Typically, our standard kits build/assemble in about 50 hours (*).


Typical kit lay-out. Turbine F-16A kit (PA402) shown


Tailpipe and fuel tanks included in all kits!

All  kits come with a gel-coated fuselage, intake liners, hatches etc. A unique feature of our kits is the peel-ply in the areas where the formers must be glued. This makes bonding the formers a much easier task! F-15 and F-16 kits have carbon reinforcements in the fuselage as well. The F-16 has the rear former already installed. The flying surfaces are high density foam sheeted with balsawood and strategically reinforced with carbon fibre. All plywood and balsa parts are precision CNC cut for a perfect fit. CNC cutting takes longer but is far superior to laser cutting. The Fouga Magister has  traditionally built up flying surfaces. Also supplied: a clear canopy and a black plastic cockpitdeck representing the upper part of the instrument panel and the upper part of the ejection seat. All the hardware needed to mount the flying surfacess, to hook up the control linkages, the hatch latches, up to the last nut and bolt is supplied. Even a set of wheels and the appropriate (Turbine or Ducted Fan) complete fuel tank system is included in all of our kits (except no wheels in the Fouga Magister kit). Turbine kits always include the stainless steel pipe.

(*) Any additional options will lengthen this time